The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio

The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio

Kindle Edition
04 Jun
A fascinating account of the world’s most famous disease—polio— told as you have never heard it before. Epidemics of paralysis began to rage in the early 1900s, seemingly out of nowhere. Doctors, parents, and health officials were at a loss to explain why this formerly unheard of disease began paralyzing so many children—usually starting in their legs, sometimes moving up through their abdomen and arms. For an unfortunate few, it could paralyze the muscles that allowed them to breathe. Why did this disease start to become such a horrible problem during the late 1800s? Why did it affect children more often than adults? Why was it originally called teething paralysis by mothers and their doctors? Why were animals so often paralyzed during the early epidemics when it was later discovered most animals could not become infected? The Moth in the Iron Lung is a fascinating biography of this horrible paralytic disease, where it came from, and why it disappeared in the 1950s. If you’ve never explored the polio story beyond the tales of crippled children and iron lungs, this book will be sure to surprise.

Reviews (163)

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I'm only halfway through the book - I'd read it in one setting, but I'm trying to process it all! The author starts with isolated cases of "infantile poliomyelitis" 'way back in the early 1800's, where it was blamed on "teething." (What did children have for teething medication? Mercury-based concoctions. It is hard for us to believe in this day and age... no, wait, I've got 7 mercury-laden fillings in my mouth right now.) As farmers & communities began to spray first arsenic-based "Paris Green" in the late 1800s to control insects, and then lead arsenate (lead & arsenic mixed together), more cases of paralysis and poisoning appeared, but with no detectable source of "infection." When the public began to question possible toxicity from pesticides, they were shouted down and mocked - but not challenged with actual scientific data, as far as I can tell so far in the book. From the book: "Reports of children killed by arsenic poisoning began to surface, and authorities - who had worked tirelessly to enforce the mandatory application of pesticides - blamed the deaths on improper spraying techniques by reckless farmers." Reading the accounts of baffled doctors and public health authorities has me shaking my head in astonishment and saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Very engagingly written, and HARD to put down! I'll update when I'm done with the book.

Excellent forensic view of paralysis over the last century

I certainly cannot call this a book about the poliovirus, simply because the evidence that Forrest presents documents that the majority of "polio epidemic" was unlikely caused by any of the strains of the poliovirus. The evidence over the last 100 years clearly points to the chemicals like arsenic, lead, and DDT that we placed on our food, in our environment, and even directly on our children. However, it is easier to blame mother nature than our fellow countrymen for allowing our children to become ill and even succumb to death by our own hands. It is more comfortable to fight a virus, then to blame our system for progressing too fast and too dangerous with chemicals that we know little about their longterm effects. If we do that, then we are against "science" and advancement. It is a shame we cannot compromise and advance carefully with new products until we are sure (longterm) that the effects will not end in illness and death. The book discusses this disease with an easy to read and understand method that Forrest is able to convey. After reading this book, you will know more about the "polio epidemic" than any doctor or nurse you run into. This is the most comprehensive books on paralysis that I have read in 40 years. My background from the 1970/80s is in the pharmaceutical field (biostatistician) including work with vaccination testing and design. I feel that the lessons we should have learned with pesticides (and other chemicals in our environment) likely have been missed or forgotten.


I notice that with these books, the "anti vax", that MOST negative reviews, are not verified purchases, and only insult people calling them quakes and psuedo science, with no reason. clearly never reading these books. Vaccines are the new Tabaco of the medical community. It is made very clear by DEFINITION OF THE CDC itself, that by their own standards, classify vaccines as unsafe and ineffective, in several different ways. Completely contradicting anytime they say it IS safe and effective. These anti vaccination books are proof of just that. Anyone who reads the actual science on vaccines, will turn "anti vaxxer". This book is a must read. Polio rates had already declined to the levels, that they claimed came from vaccines. They changed the definition of polio several times so that they COULD say, "the people no longer have polio". This book goes great with Dr Devra Davis "Disconnect", and "Contagion myth" by a Dr whose name escapes me at the moment. and "back to eden". not he revised version that contradicts everything Kloss said but his orignial work if you can get one. Highly recommended read for those both for and against vaccines

A Brilliant, Monumental and Engaging Gift to Humanity

This is a brilliant work. Beautifully told, the story consists of many diverse threads of history, and Forrest Maready weaves them together into the logical fabric of truth that all can now easily understand. I challenge ANYONE who believes that "polio was a simple virus to be vanquished by vaccines" to read or listen to this book. Prepare for new depths of understanding to unfold before you. We deserve the truth, and this author has done humanity a monumental service by gathering this information and telling us this hidden history. I purchased the audio version of this book, and most highly recommend it to all who dare or care to understand the devastation of modern disease, and how society must wise up and look behind the simple stories we have been told if we are to create health. The Moth in the Iron Lung should be required reading/listening for ALL medical, scientific and governmental professionals as well as parents.

A must-read if you want to learn the truth about the history of polio

I agree with Sally - it was hard to put this book down, which is why I read it in two sittings. Many people think they know all they need to know about polio, but this book presents its hidden real history in an engaging way, juxtaposing apparently unrelated stories of local life with medical theories and developments, all culminating in revelations that will make you question everything you've ever been told about this fearsome disease. Highly recommended!

A Brilliant New Book on the Polio Epidemic

Forrest Maready has written a most compelling, interesting book with "The Moth in the Iron Lung"! Anyone who cares about public health or is a health conscious individual needs to read this book about the polio epidemics of the 20th century. Maready presents a compelling chronology of inadvertent, human-caused, catastrophic events from 1869 in Boston and through the present day in countries like India. The Moth in the Iron Lung reads like a suspense thriller of community health. You’ll find out how most of poliomyelitis outbreaks historically were man-made. Find out why polio affected mostly children year after year in the warmest seasons and quietly stopped each fall and winter. Why did it take “medical scientists” 40+ years to conclude that a polio virus is only one of many causes of poliomyelitis? Can we say for sure that the polio vaccine is the reason we have virtually no polio outbreaks today in the US and in most other counties of the world? A brilliant and easy book to read.

Important read for getting an unvarnished, and likely much ...

Important read for getting an unvarnished, and likely much more correct than the widely promoted, propaganda laced representation of polio history. Compelling portrayal that makes an effort to canvass many data points that may weigh in to events for reader consideration.

On par with Rachel Carson's landmark book, Silent Spring

Couldn't put it down. A most important book. On par with Rachel Carson's landmark book, Silent Spring.

is doing a great service for many as we gather the facts about ...

Incredible. This book, along with Crooked, is doing a great service for many as we gather the facts about diseases of the past and the present. This information will help us make better decisions about our health and the health of our children. Thank you Forrest.

A fresh look at polio

The story we learned in school about our mid-century victory over polio is a fairytale that continues to be unravelled. Maready puts together a very readable history of forgotten details of how and when what we know as "polio" got started, and how it progressed. There was much more behind paralytic poliomyelitis than a ubiquitous enterovirus vanquished by vaccines, as others have reported as well. The book is concise and I only wish there was more, but it compliments his YouTube video series My Incredible Opinion, albeit with the humor and snarky wit dialed way back.

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